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Dark to Light


#1 NEW RELEASE in "Sexual Addiction"

#1 NEW RELEASE in "Twelve-Step Programs"


on in 2019

Email me for more information about how to get a copy:

Thomas is in recovery from a thirty-year addiction to pornography and lust that started when he was eight years old. His story gives hope that it is possible to escape from the dark trap of pornography and live in the light.


Thomas’s story is told through a series of brief “shares”. Shares are foundational to 12-Step addiction recovery programs, where participants tell the group about their recent successes, failures, regrets, and resolve. Shares are often raw and painful, opening a path for personal recovery and healing. This book acknowledges that addicts must rely on God and emphasizes the Christian principles of love, repentance, forgiveness, and having a change of heart.


Dark to Light features cover and internal art by well-known artist Brian Kershisnik, used with permission.  To view his art featured in the book, go to "Art Featured in Dark to Light".  


"This book has been a great comfort to me. Thomas shares raw emotions that addicts need to hear to find healing. Those seeking to break the addiction to lust need this book. These words ring true for all of us going through the difficult journey to own our past so that we can move forward." 
~ Tyler S., addict in recovery



"When I first started reading this book I wanted to skip right to the wife's thoughts at the end, but I'm glad I didn't. I highly recommend this book not just for addicts but also for betrayed spouses. His story shows how the suffering, anguish, and darkness has been turned into a powerful spiritual awakening as our Savior provides the light to overcome addictions."
~ Jan, wife of addict


"Written by someone in the trenches for someone in the trenches ... this book is an invitation to assess where you are in your recovery journey. Thomas's story shows that change is possible if you work it. His experiences provide hope for those who have tried in vain to overcome this problem."

~ David Thompson, LMFT, CSAT


"This book is a beacon of hope proving we can be free from our destructive behavior. As my wife and I face the difficult road ahead, I will continue to turn to this book for guidance and support."
~ Matt W., addict in recovery

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Listen to 2 episodes of the
Meeting 36  &  Meeting 111
with guest Thomas 2.0

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Listen to 2 episodes of the PODCAST
From Crisis to Connection

Episode 106  &  
Episode 107
with guest Thomas 2.0

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Disclaimer: The content of this website and the views expressed herein are the opinions of Destroy the Plague, and should not be construed as professional advice. 

© 2019-2023 Destroy the Plague

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