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Recommended Books

Open Book

Addiction Recovery Program: A Guide to Addiction Recovery and Healing

LDS Family Services

This 12-Step guidebook changed my life. It propelled me into long-lasting real recovery focused on the gospel and Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Open Book

Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book

Bill W., founder of A.A.

It was encouraging for me to read stories of the lives of other addicts and how they found recovery. This book helped me to realize that Alcoholics and Sexaholics share many of the same issues.  

Open Book

Choosing Clarity: The Path to Fearlessness

Kimberly Giles

Given to me as a gift by my therapist, this book helped me get through a fearful time in my recovery. The author states that our lives will be a perfect classroom journey, but that our journeys are not pass or fail tests. 

Open Book

Clean Hands, Pure Heart: Overcoming Addiction to Pornography Through the Redeeming Power of Jesus Christ

Philip A. Harrison

Philip explains his recovery from pornography using the 12-Step program. Includes personal recovery stories, honest dialogue, and detailed writing assignments. This book helped guide me in the beginning stages of my recovery.  

Open Book

Good Pictures Bad Pictures:  Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids

Kristen A. Jenson and Gail Poyner

This book is a wonderful way to open conversations with children and youth about the trap of pornography. The principles in this book are able to be applied even by adults. Some great aspects of this book are the explanations of the "feeling brain" versus the "thinking brain", the CAN DO Plan, and the rat poison analogy.

Open Book

He Did Deliver Me From Bondage

Colleen C. Harrison

Written by the wife of the author of Clean Hands, Pure Heart (see above). This book is a study guide that follows the principles of the 12-Steps of addiction recovery. It focuses on Christ as our Deliverer and Savior. 

Open Book

He Restoreth My Soul: Understanding and Breaking the Chemical and Spiritual Chains of Pornography Addiction Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ

Donald L. Hilton Jr., MD 

The author explains the damaging power of pornography addiction from scientific, moral, and spiritual perspectives. This book is incredibly comprehensive and helps addicts as well as betrayed family members. 

Open Book

Like Dragons Did They Fight

Maurice W. Harker

This book helps youth overcome temptations and addictions to pornography and associated behaviors.  I have found this book very helpful even as an adult in recovery. The author focuses on the physical and spiritual factors of addiction and of recovery. 

Open Book

Sexaholics Anonymous (The White Book)

Sexaholics Anonymous

This is the weekly manual studied by S.A. and S.A. Lifeline.  Powerful, raw, honest, and relatable.  

Open Book

Support Guide: Help for Spouses and Family of Those in Recovery

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This guidebook provides resources and support to spouses and family members of individuals who are displaying compulsive behaviors. It helps a spouse or a family member find peace and healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Open Book

The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

A simple but magical book about finding peace and contentment no matter your circumstances. The principles and parables contained therein are great for addicts as well as for their betrayed loved ones.  

Open Book

The Love Dare

Stephen & Alex Kendrick

This book is from the Christian movie Fireproof  by the Kendrick brothers.  It's a 40-day "love challenge" focusing on changing yourself and your heart in order to heal your marriage relationship. It addresses the addiction of pornography and its dire consequences. 

Open Book

The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Our Hearts and Homes

James L. Ferrell

This is a powerful book written in a modern parable. It depicts how every one of us is in need of being saved, and how Christ is the only one that can save and completely heal us. I greatly benefited from this life-changing book.  

Open Book

The Resolution for Men

Stephen & Alex Kendrick with Randy Alcorn

This book is from the Christian movie Courageous by the Kendrick brothers.  It challenges all men to step up and be the husband, father, and man that God intends us to be. It compels men to truly love, protect, and be loyal and committed to their wives and children. It teaches men to lead their families with humility, integrity, and God's power. 

Open Book

Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery

Dr. Kevin B. Skinner

Dr. Skinner outlines powerful tools needed to break the chains of sexual addiction. This book helps the reader learn how to change thought patterns in order to change behavior patterns. The author is extremely effective at explaining the cycle of addiction and what it takes to break the cycle. I have benefited from his therapy clinic (Addo Recovery) as well as his on-line resources.

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