QUANTITY 40 - 59
This price is for orders between 40 - 59 workbooks. Please specify in the Quantity Box how many you are ordering.
Teens need effective spiritual tools for stopping pornography use and sexual misbehavior. Unless properly addressed and repaired, these habits and behaviors will not just “go away”. Teens will not grow out of it; they will grow up in it and with it.
There is HOPE! Youth can now access the spiritual power of 12-Step principles in order to get clean and stay clean. This take-action workbook guides young women and young men to rely on the Savior and His Atonement to repair thoughts and behaviors. It helps teens commit to a personal plan for change. This plan is based on 12-Step topics without focusing on the terms “addict” or “addiction”. Hope for Latter-day Saint Teens provides a path that combats the plague of pornography and lust.
Hope for Teens includes: parent instructions, a "Truth Questionnaire", action prompts, a daily progress chart, scriptures and gospel quotes, and tips on lessening triggers and creating boundaries.
This workbook is for individual use. Destroy the Plague does not organize teen 12-Step group meetings.
Hope for Teens
This price is for orders between 40 - 59 workbooks.
Please specify in the Quantity Box how many you are ordering.